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Grace - undeserved favor from God

Some people believe that they are basically good. They may do bad things, but they do more good things, so the good outweighs the bad and they are basically good people.

I believe everyone is born a sinner (Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12). When my first daughter was born, some called her "perfect". I was quick to point out that she was born a wretched sinner in need of God's grace.

And yet, as much as I value God's grace, as much as I recognize my need for it, to this day, I struggle to grasp just how big God's grace is.

I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, ascribing value to myself based on what I accomplish and how well I accomplish it. Sometimes, this results in me trying to earn favor with God, or thinking I have deeply disappointed Him when I fall short or stumble in sin. But no matter how big my sin, no matter how big my problems, God's grace is always bigger.

God doesn't show grace to me because I earn it. God doesn't show grace to me because I've been a "good little Christian". God shows me grace because He is a gracious, loving, merciful, holy, kind God.

When I am walking in step with the Spirit, God's grace is there. When I am struggling with temptation, God's grace is there. My actions do not affect the availability of God's grace, the availability of God's forgiveness, the availability of God's love.

God's grace is a gift (Ephesians 2:8). Gifts are not earned. They are not deserved. They are a symbol of how much one person loves another.

Gifts can also be rejected. Left unopened. When I reject God's grace and beat myself down for my failings, I am being harder on myself than God is. How silly. Why would I not choose to accept what my Creator, the God of the universe, thinks of me, rather than what I think of me, especially when He views me better than I view myself?

Lord, I want to live in your grace. Help me.